One proven way to boost water intake is to record your daily intake on paper each night. I do this with a bullet journal.What's A Bullet Journal?A bullet journal is like a visual journal that is used as a planner (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, financial, etc) or as...
Our Blog
Water Trackerz also offer visual motivation to achieve more and “earn your colors” by drinking more water. The visual cue is both satisfying and motivating because you have a constant visual reminder of how much water you have consumed and also, how much more water you need to drink to achieve your goal!
Do You Have An Aversion to Water?
Do you feel repulsed by water and literally cannot bring yourself you drink more than one sip at a time? You may have something else going on. When I first became serious about drinking water, I found it almost impossible to actually drink it. Once I began tracking my...
How to Use Food to Hack Your Water Intake
Here are some basics on how you can use food to hack your water intake. 1. Drink water with meals. When you are just starting out with a new water regime, one of the easiest things you can do to up your water intake is to drink water with meals. It is easy to drink...